Tuesday, February 15, 2011



·        This is the first 25 cm of the small intestine

·        Where ducts from liver and pancreas join info into the duodenum in a single duct

·        Receives bile from liver, and pancreatic juice; bile is produced in the liver.


·        This is how we emulsify fat

·        Emulsification- cause large fat droplets to disperse in water

·        Bile s a mechanical digestive process

·        This is mechanical because bile physically rips the fat apart

·        Bile aids the digestion and absorb the fats


·        The duodenum has a slightly basic pH around 8

·        Pancreatic juice is slightly basic because of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCo3), which neutralizes chime. Thick semi liquid, acidic, food material that passes from the stomach to the small intestine

·        First job: juice helps protect the rest of the small intestine from the acidity of chime

·        Second job: helps break down food
·        Pancreatic amylase digests starch

·        Tryspin digests proteins

·        Lipase digests food

·        Nucleus  breaks down RNA + DNA 
   Small intestine

·        Maltose [Maltose + H2O à Glucose + Glucose]

·        Peptidases [Peptide + H2O à Amino Acids]

·        Nucleotides [Nucleotide + H2O à Base + Sugar + Phosphate]

    Enzymes and Hormones

·        The duodenum is responsible for hormones that trigger the pancreatic duct to open pancreatic juice and bile

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sitting On A Bench Assignment.

Sitting On a Bench Blog
1.       I went to a little island connected to Victoria Park and found a bench just sitting there all alone with nothing surrounding it in the middle of the road by St. David’s Avenue and Keith Road. It was brown of course and quite an old bench. It had cracks in the wood where you would sit. I chose it because it was in a some what quiet area and it would be a place to have some time to your self and look at the beautiful scenery. There weren’t any other benches around so nobody could come walking up and sit in front of you, behind you, or to the side of you because there was only one single bench there with a few trees around it.

2.    From sitting on this bench in the middle of the road on an island connected to Victoria Park, I see Downtown Vancouver and even the sun rise and sun set if you sit there long enough and of course a bunch of cars going in every direction you look. When I’m sitting on the bench I feel the nice cool breeze on a winters day and even the same breeze when it’s in the spring, summer or even fall, and it’s the kind of breeze that is just cooling and doesn’t give you the shivers up your spine. Just the right coolness breeze to satisfy you. I really happy and feeling that no one else is on this planet but me because all I see it the scenery and cars going by and no people what so ever. When sitting on the bench. I’m thinking about completely nothing. I’m just zoned out on the things around me and just enjoying myself for the time being. Sitting on the bench, I want nothing but happiness for the rest of the day or even the rest of my life and want nothing to go wrong for the life that I’m willing to live with fun and joy.
 3.        If a bench was to be dedicated to me, I would want it at the park I used to play at all the time when I was a baby and a little girl, and which I still go to sometimes to take my neighbours kids to as well. It’s a quiet place and it’s surrounded by grass and trees and overlooks over Downtown Vancouver and the sun rise and sun set too. I would also make sure every time I went and visited my bench or even the playground, I would make sure that there was no graffiti or damage done to my bench, and that it was the perfect bench in the park. I would want nothing to happen to my bench because if something did happen, such as someone destroyed it and ripped it to parts because they hate my guts, I would be extremely upset because that bench also shows how much the park meant to me by me going there for 17 years of my life straight, and hopefully for the rest of my life. It would kill me inside to see something bad happening to my bench. For the Inscription; I would like it to say “Janelle Nicole Hoy. Number One Visitor at This Park from 1993 until 2011. And Will Always Be Number One until She Dies”

4       If I was to dedicate a bench to someone, it would have to be my boyfriend Reid Spencer and my best friend Sarah La’Croix. I would want the bench at Bridgman Park by the Playground because that’s where we first met and it’s a place I will never forget going to with or without him. It was my second most favourite park I liked to also go to when I was little and I thought it would be a great place to meet him and hangout for the first 3 months of our relationship because there were a lot of things to do around there instead of sitting around at him doing nothing. It’s also a park where Sarah and I met as well. I find that it is quite a popular park to have met my boyfriend and my best friend there about a year or so apart and I am quite happy that I did meet them because they both play the best parts in my life and I want nothing to happen to that. For the Inscription; I would have to say, “Reid Spencer && Sarah La’Croix, The best people I’ve ever had in my life and would want nothing to happen to what relationships I have going on with the both of them. Love You lots, xx—Jell-O”.
     5.   It was a bright and sunny when I mentioned to Reid that we should go for a walk at Victoria Park. I had also explained to him about my Bench Blog assignment to him and he said “well, let’s go find a bench”. I smiled at him and said “okay”. When we got to Victoria Park we found this little island by Saint David’s on Keith Road and said.. “How about this bench?” “It’s perfect!” I had said. We sat there for a good three hours looking at the view over the Pacific Ocean over to Downtown Vancouver and thought it was absolutely incredible and thought that this was a great place for a bench to sitting. I also thought in my mind that I’ve never seen anyone in my life sit here before and thought “why doesn’t anyone ever sit here and look at Downtown Vancouver and have some time to them selves? It’s such a nice and quiet place”. We didn’t really want to leave because it was such a nice area. We decided to leave just as it got dark, which was in an hour or so. By the time it got a little bit dark, the view looked more stunning then it did in the daylight. All the buildings lit up in the night sky just made this bench a thousand times better then it was in daylight. We finally left and we promised each other that we would come back and sit on this bench more often and just sit there and look at the view and suck up the sun and just have a relaxing day sitting on the bench  in the middle of the road on an island near Saint David’s and Keith Road. The next weekend we came back on a Sunday afternoon and sat on the bench and did exactly what we did the Sunday before when we discovered the bench.

6.   The poem I chose to describe my bench is called “The Bench” By: Nancy Ellen Crossland. I chose this poem because it can represent a place where mothers tie up their toddlers loose lace, kiss scraped knees or even wiping a face. Hundreds have passed by and also may to rest.  It’s also a plain old bench that is weathered. Its where love can be found or even lost, even hearts can be mended on a bench when your just sitting there alone and some guy randomly comes up and starts talking to you and after a few days, things have a possibility of connecting with you and that guy or you and that girl. The bench could be so old that it could have so much history to it that I don’t even know about. The bench could be over 100 years old and be in as nice of a shape as it is now.

The Bench
By: Nancy Ellen Crossland

Under a Maple tree near the city park entrance,
sits a nondescript, weathered, plain old bench,

Hundreds have passed by and many to rest
Like mothers with toddlers tying up a loose lace,
Kissing scraped knees or wiping a face,

That old bench is a meeting place Tuesdays
for widows Mildred and Grace,
Who chat over lunch that they take turns to make,
discussing TV shows, world events,
pains and aches,

Then there are old Army pals Walter and Ray, who meet on Thursdays,
Checkers they'll play,
while reminiscing about those former glory days

Who would know a simple bench with such a history
of events?

A place where love began or love has ended,
Then again sometimes where hearts are mended,

But to most it will only be
An old bench near the city park entrance

7. My poem connects to my personal philosophy of life by that benches can hold very special memories of many things in a person’s life. The good memories and the bad memories. The good ones are the most special memories of your life and will be with you for ever. Even if a bench is dedicated to you or dedicating one to someone in your life would be a very special something to never forget. They may only be a place to sit made out of wood, but it is a place to sit made out of wood that can be very special to many people in the world.

8. The purpose of a park is for people to have fun in the summer and to enjoy the sun. For example, Stanley Park is one of Vancouver’s best places to go to because everyone can enjoy swimming in a pool there called second beach or even in the ocean. They can walk on the sea wall and through the trail that goes through the park where all the benches are. Parks are for kids to play at when there is a playground there. They should get some out of going to parks with their family too. Some parks only for displaying things what have been there for thousand of years such as totem poles or how people lived back in the day with out having the things that we do now, which are called National Parks. Also, some parks can be very important to some cities because they play a big role in the city and they have very old and interesting things that sit in that park, or if they have been around for a certain amount of time they get more and more popular and valuable every year to lots of people.

My thoughts on parks are that they should play an important role in a child’s life and an adult’s life because for a child, they have the ability to have some fun out of going to a park or the parents take them to a park just to play for an hour and get tired out. They deserve to have fun all they can in their childhood life. On the other had, for the adults, parks are just as important because about 90 percent of adults like to go to parks where ever they live to go for a walk in the forest scenery or the sea wall or even just sit on a bench in the park admiring Vancouver or anywhere. Parks are also a great place to take your dogs for walks. Dogs need an area to play and have their owner throw a ball for them or even a stick. It’s a place where they can swim as well, if there is a creek near by or if it’s near the ocean. They need to get out and have fun instead of being cooped up all day in a some what small yard and having no freedom. Everyone and every living thing deserves to have freedom and fun when they are young and when they are old. It’s mostly what they need in their life is to get out and out there to see what the world has for them


Life in Vancouver

 Living in the city of North Vancouver
 is the best place to be.
When sitting on a bench,
there’s a lot in front of you that you can see.

In the city of North Vancouver,
you will find your favourite love.
Wandering around the grounds,
you will find a bird and know it’s a dove.

Watching the sun rise and sun set,
just sitting there enjoying the day.
The beautiful sky will look like a threat,
because you will think you’re wasting your life away.

At the end of the day, it’s time to go home.
With all those hours spent on a bench in the sun.
You don’t want to go home, just want to go and roam,
he asks you to come and sit a little more, but you want to play a game and run.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Cyrus Parties On With Kelly Osbourne

Teen pop sensation Miley Cyrus dances her troubles away following her drug scandal last week by partying with her Under cover movie co-star Kelly Osbourne. The 18-year-old singer/actress sparked an outrage on Friday after film footage of her smoking a pipe, as seen to contain legal high Salvia, was posted online. Miley came under attack from anti-drug campaigners and her own father, Billy Ray Cyrus, admitted he was “sad”
and “sorry” for his daughter’s behaviour. But Cyrus refuses to let her worries get to her this weekend as she hits the clubs in New Orleans, LA. In the early hours of Saturday with Osbourne and their fellow film stars.

My thinking of hearing that Miley Cyrus smoking Salvia is somewhat a huge deal and some what not so much. Even though it’s illegal, everyone still does it. Why would the press want to post this all over the world? It is just to make her a bad person and to make her look bad? Its her own life and she can do whatever she wants to do with it. Even though she is a teen pop and little kid sensation as “Hannah Montana”, the little kids don’t need to know what Salvia is. To me it doesn’t really matter, what she does.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bieber free and clear of charges

 Richmond RCMP said Tuesday they won’t lay charges in an alleged assault that may have involved pop star Justin Bieber two months ago. On October 16th, police received a call from a man who said his 12-year-old son had been hit the day before another boy while playing laser tag at Planet Lazer. The boy, celebrating his birthday, suffered “minimal injuries”, police said. The Ontario teen sensation, who was in town to play a sold out show to throngs and screaming teenagers and Rogers Arena  Oct. 19th was linked to the incident. Witnesses spotted Justin Bieber that afternoon at the laser-tag facility, and rumors ran wild around the world that he allegedly assaulted the boy.

 Why would a Ontario teen sensation assault a boy in Planet Lazer because the 12 year old is beating Justin. That wouldn’t be right. He wouldn’t do that.  But maybe people think he did it but it was really someone else. But who knows. People should be getting their facts straight before a rumor like this (which never happened) goes around the world. Some people probably still think that he is a bad guy for hitting a 12 year old boy. Im surprised kids still love him and its like they forgot what he did  like it never happened.

Facing her world with courage

Samantha Mantyka, young girl in Delta who would probably faint is she met Justin Bieber. The bright-eyed 10-year-old Gibson Elementary student knows Biebers favourite colours (blue and purple), the he has a dog named Sammy (just like her), and his middle name (Drew). And all she wants for Christmas is to meet him. Samantha was diagnosed with cancer in 2009 and she wants to make her daughter’s holiday memories count. When Samantha first found out an aggressive tumor was growing on her brain stem, she underwent round after around of grueling chemotherapy and radiation. The next spring, family and friends celebrated Samantha’s end of chemo. But in November, the doctors told her the terminal cancer had reappeared on her spine. Family friends are holding a fundraiser to help send the family to Disney World.

 Seeing such a cute little girl, I don’t blame the Mother being scared outta her wits seeing her daughter hooked up to tubes or wheeled in for surgery. Samantha is one brave girl seeing what I had read. Having cancer on her brain stem and then in her spine is just too much for a 10 year old little Delta girl. The family friends are doing a great thing to send Samantha’s family to Disney world. If she meets Justin Bieber for her Christmas Present, she would be one lucky girl.

Closure for child predator case

Fifteen years after an alleged Vancouver predator attacked his first young victim, police on Monday finally announced his capture. April 1 1995, 13 year old girl  accompanied by a man as she walked through  Lord Nelson Elementary School playground. Telling her he had a knife; the man dragged her to an outdoor stairwell at the school and sexually assaulted her. All this time that the girl has been waiting for justice, she’s now 28 years old. RCMP linked the suspect to two other sexual assaults one in 2007 to a 14 year old in Delta, and a 2009 Surrey case where e sex-year-old was assaulted while her brother and he friends stood helplessly nearby. Ibrats Hexamer, 42, was arrested Friday in Vancouver. He is facing a total of 23 charges, including sexual assault, under lawful confinement, uttering threats and robbery.

I think that this man is sick. Why would he be assaulting young kids, such as age 6, and young teenagers, such as 13 and 14. This guy deserves whatever he gets.  In my eyes, this guy doesn’t deserve to live, or he’s in jail for life. If he goes to jail and is let out after a certain period of time, he will just go back into doing what he was doing and assault more young youth.

Shooting worst in 10 years: Cops

Police were back in Vancouver’s West Side on Mondays investigating what could be the biggest gang shooting. The neighbours around Oak Street and  22nd Avenueafter 10 people between the ages of 20 and 36 were hit by a spray of bullets early Sunday morning.  ”I heard about 12 shots between two o’clock and 2:08, and then I heard a woman scream. [I] looked out, and say two cars heading south. They looked to be racing.’ RCMP arrived and found many people with gunshot wounds in the street. Nine people were taken to hospital, six men and 3 women. Eight women of whom remained in hospital on Monday Many were taken into custody.

I think that this article shows how not so safe the downtown East Side is.  From all the news that I’ve seen about it, it wouldn’t be a place where I’d like to be around or even live. Hearing or even seeing 10 shootings in 8 minutes would be just horrifying to most people including the small children who might have seen. These people in gangs have to seriously smarten up and stop trying to kill people. Just because you’re in a gang, it doesn’t mean you have to be shooting people. Everyone deserves to live just as much as you do. There’s way to much of it going on in this world and I think it needs to end.
